And what will YOU do?

Posted: April 16, 2011 in Thoughts

This is just an experiment that this troupe did in the States for see the reaction of the people in a situation where a black woman is being discriminated by the worker of this shop.

Now think in this other way, do not see only that is a black woman, imagine that every day, all around the world, foreign and “differently able” people are treated in that way only because they aren’t the type of people that the country define “normal”

I’m having some “racism” or “discrimination” experiences in the city where I’m living now, that actually is not in my country.

I’m Italian, and being indicated as “spaghetti, pizza, mandolino, mafia, baffi” is not such a funny thing for me! Listen to people that for fun call me “il mafioso” is not awesome, expecially for somebody that was living inside this Italian cancer.

And this happen with all the foreign in the world, and not only, happen even with people that are from the same country, with the same color and the same religion, but that have something “different” for what is called “normal“.

Think about it, what will you do in that case? Stay in silence? Talk? Call the police?

But especially: Will you ever really do what you will answer?

Racism and Discrimination are two of the worst thing in the world, we come from the same people, we are all the same, no matter which color, religion, sexuality, or whatever we are.


Android vs. iOS is a popular debate topic, but it might just be happening at the consumer level. 9to5Mac ran an interesting story this morning about some comments made by Google’s Asia-Pacific president, Daniel Alegre.”When the iPhone succeeds, Google succeeds,” he mentions in an interview with AdNews.

This alone shouldn’t catch anyone off guard. With over 100 million iPhones out in the wild using Google’s little search bar built into Safari, why wouldn’t Google be pleased with the iPhone’s success?

There’s a little more to this equation. Let’s not forget about Google’s public purchase of AdMob in 2009. It is by far the most popular mobile advertising platform. Their adverts are scattered throughout the web, as well as in Android and iOS applications. Who is currently leading the pack in mobile ad impressions?

So iOS users are good at clicking Google’s AdMob ads and using their search bar, how else is the search giant benefiting from Apple’s smartphone? Perhaps with their suite of iOS apps. Google Maps is preinstalled on every iDevice and Google Search is constantly in the App Store’s top 50 most downloaded list.

The common denominator here is that all of these different components lead iOS users back to Google’s search engine and advertisements. That’s really what Google is, a search engine? People tend to forget that in the everyday banter between iPhone and Android users. In fact, Google probably doesn’t even care about cell phones.

Bill Gurley wrote a post on this very topic, calling Android OS just a moat for Google’s search engine. If you look at a great business like Google as an economic castle, a moat is a strategy or market dynamic that make the castle unreachable.

Android, Chrome Web Browser, Chrome OS, Gmail, and so many others, are all moats to Google’s economic castle. Notice how all of these Google products are software services with almost no viable costs? Not only that, but all of them essentially provide users with a direct line to their popular search engine. Winning?

Google just posted a revenue for the March quarter of $8.58 billion. It will be interesting to see what happens in the coming years in the smartphone industry. Analysts are predicting that by the end of 2012, there might be close to 1 billion Android handsets in use around the globe. That’s one hell of a moat.

What do you think?


Flash has been a thorn in Apple’s side ever since the first iPhone shipped almost 4 years ago. While users have grown accustomed to their iOS devices not being able to display Flash content, it’s unfortunate that Apple and Adobe have not been able to reach some sort of compromise before now.

Adobe, however, may have finally come up with a solution to the Flash dilemma once and for all with their latest version of Flash. At the National Association of Broadcasters trade show in Las Vegas, Adobe recently previewed the latest version of Flash that incorporates HTTP live streaming. With this new version of Flash, iOS devices will finally be able to display Flash video without the need to install any additional software on their devices.

Over the years Apple has been steadfast in their opposition to approving Flash for the iOS. Continually sighting concerns over Flash’s poor overall performance and being detrimental to battery life. At one point Apple CEO Steve Jobs even went so far as to post an open letter on the company website defending their position regarding Flash on iOS devices entitled, Thoughts on Flash.

Adobe’s latest vision, however, is designed to help content publishers stream protected video to more types of mobile devices including Apple’s iPad 2. This new streaming technology is being built into Adobe’s Media Server and will allow a much wider variety of devices access to Flash video content. Their solution is designed to be transparent to the end user and will not require any additional software to be downloaded as well.

According to Adobe’s company blog, “(HTTP Live Streaming) HLS is an MPEG2 transport stream (container) used by devices such as the Apple iPad 2. By adding support for HLS within the Flash Media Server, Adobe is reducing the publishing complexity for broadcasters who need to reach browsers supporting HLS through HTML5 (such as Safari) or devices where Adobe Flash is not installed.”

For the average user, the details of this plan to get Flash video to more devices is a bit technical, however, in the not too distant future, Flash required warnings will be a thing of the past. If your device doesn’t have Flash installed on it, no problem, the server will send you the video in a format that your device is capable of displaying. It’s unclear just how long it will take Adobe to implement this across the board, but at least a solution to the Flash problem is finally on its way.


Audi R8 5.2 in Maranello

Posted: April 16, 2011 in Funny

Audi R8 5.2 in Maranello, funny and nice advertise for this car

Traditions, good or bad?

Posted: April 16, 2011 in Thoughts

Last day I was reading on internet that in China they have banned the viewing of movies about time travel, because they are “against their traditions“.

Actually sounds little bit strange for me, how a movie that talk about time travel can be against the traditions?

Apparently China have banned all kinds of story lines that contain elements of “fantasy, time travel, mythical or mythological stories, feudal superstition, fatalism, reincarnation, ambiguous moral lessons, or lack of ‘positive thinking'” only because they can be “against” their tradition.

All of us knows that traditions are part of our history, our family, our culture, but can tradition “close” the mentality of the people in 2011?

I think that traditions are one of the best thing that we have for remember a special part of our culture, and is good to keep them, but don’t close ourself in the past, just keep this culture that is in our world from years or centuries, and continue to grow our mind, and expand our knowledge opening our view wide to the world and over.

What do you think about traditions? Just fill the poll or add a comment!

Let the blog begin!

Posted: April 16, 2011 in News

Welcome here!Welcome to VIDOblog On-Line.

I decided to open this blog just for share with you, internet community, my ideas, thoughts, questions and so on.

Here you can share your idea too, commenting on my post.

If you want you can contact me directly via E-MAIL